Friday, May 11, 2012

Pickle Porn

That title sounds so bad, but it is so good.

For anyone that knows me, I am pickle-freak! It's a problem that I have had since childhood. It is genetic - my mom and my sisters have the same problem. The gene may have missed my brother, he does not seem to be as obsessed as the rest of us.

So while walking around NYC today, guess what I stumbled upon (OK "stumble" is not the right word, I knew that there were pickle shops and stands galore just south of Houston Street)? Happiness.

What's that you say, the smallest I can buy is a pint?

So many choices, and so little time.

Think. Question. Pickle. This dude must make t-shirts, and I want one.

You are mine little Kosher dills, all mine.

So with no one here to stop and yell at me for eating all the pickles (Mom), I may just eat all the pickles. Yup, all of them. I will probably have cankles and sausage fingers tomorrow from all the sodium. But I don't care, it's totally worth it.


Kait Riordan said...

Haha! I wanna shirt! Wish we were pickles deep together. Miss you.

FinnyKnits said...

I knew we were friends on a molecular level. Pickles are in our DNA, sister!